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’Ak’ah kǫ’ dishtłi’go sédá.
candle 3-1-cause.burn.NI-GO 1-sit.SPN’Anishkeed, t’áá ká nóólk’oł.
2-3-photograph.I neg 2-blink.O’Ałk’idą́ą́’ Diné bikéyah bikáa’gi łį́į́’ bichąą bíighahgo tł’oh deíl’áá ńt’éé’ jiní.
long.ago 3-upon-at horse 3-belly sufficient-GO Pl-3-extend.out.of.sight.SNP hearsay’Ádi’óóyą́ą́’ le’.
self-2-eat.O don’t"Doildinę́ę’ daazts’ą́ą́ lá," didííniił.
3-be.outcast.NI-deceased 3-die.P DISC 3-2-tell.FBéégashii báháchxį’go bik’ee neeshchééł.
cattle 3-become.angry.I-GO 3-on.account.of 1-flee.Prog
I am fleeing the angry bull.
bookmark- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- háchį’ become angryfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- -go verb and subordinating encliticfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -k’ee on account offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
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- neeshchééł flee, run away fromfind in Navajo Verb Modes
Béésh hataałí t’áádoo de nídíłki’í.
radio NEG up 2-volume.turn.I-Íbik’ídazhdidisįįh bináyaa niłchiin ’éí hataałii chodayooł’į́.
deer 3-eye beneath matter that medicineman 3-3-use.Ich’į́į́góó
Chahash’ohjí ch’ínááhoníshóó’.
brush arbor-JÍ out-again-area-sweep.Rdajííyą́ą́’ł’óásts’aa’ shił naaldloosh ńt’éé’ shimá siiłtsą́, yiniinaa násineestsxas.
ram 1-with 3-trot.CI past 1-mother 1-3-see.P 3-because 1-3-whip.Pdidołjeeh’át’íí shį́į́ biniinaa łééch’ąą’í nidahał’in.
what perhaps 3-because dog pl-3-bark.IHatáálgóó déyáago shikélchí t’óó tsxį́į́łgo bił ’ada’shéshiizhgo ńdaséłkad.
ceremony-1-go-Fut-GO 1-moccasin merelyhurry.GO 3-with 3-1-pierce-GO 3-1-sew-PHáágóó shą’ díníyá?
where-to.Q 2-go.FHágoónee’, t’áá ’ákódí shahane’.
well that’s.all 1-storyháidí
Háí shą’ ’ałhosh?
who Q 3-sleep.IHooghandóó ch’ínáshdáahgo dibé nánásh’įįh.
home-from 1-go.outside.R-GO sheep 1-look.Rjitł’ó dóó Louise dóó Kii dahataał.
Joe and Louise and Kii pl-3-sing.CIJoołísh ’atiin tsé’naa ’ahííníłhan doodaii’ daats’í ’anít’i’ báhátis ’ahííníłhan?
ball-Q road across 3-2-throw.P or perhjaps fence 3-over 3-2-throw.Pjííłhį́į́’áhookǫsdę́ę́’ níłch’igo ’ayóo deesk’aaz.
north.from breeze-GO very cold.SPNNichidí naah nooltłáad le’.
2-car 2-on 3-off.P hopeNichxǫ' doo ájíníi da.
stop NEG 4-say.thus.NI NEGnidadiilyeeł
pl-3DO-1dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.Fcarry a ropelike thing around, 1st person plural
pl-3DO-4dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.Fcarry a ropelike thing around, 4th person plural
3-2-hit.ISaad naashkaahgo baa naashá.
word 3-1-research.CI-GO 3-to 1-go.ProgShighan bíighahgi yas biyi’dę́ę́’ tsé hahíí’ą́.
3-house 3-inside of snow 3-inside-from rock 3-stick.out.NPShikee’ ’ániidígo biniinaa shikee’ bąąh tó’diisool.
1-shoe recently because 1-foot 3-on 3-blister.form.PShilééchąą’í bikéé’ yishááł. 3-following 1-go.ProgShimá sání lééchą́ą́’í tsin bee nidiiłhaal.
1-grandma dog stick 3-for 3-1-hit.PShimósí yázhí tsin yąąh dah sidáago hádésh’na’ ńt’éé’ ’áłt’ąą hadanáálwod.
1-cat little tree 3-on up 3-sit.SPN-GO 1-climb.P but after.all 3-run.down.P
I climbed up after my kitten, sitting on a tree limb, but darned if he didn’t come running down.
bookmark- -ąąh on, besidefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Si-Perfective Neuter (SPN)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- sédá sitfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- -go verb and subordinating encliticfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- ńt’éé’ relates to past timefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- ’áłt’ąą after allfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- location
Shił naa’aash shį́į́! T’áá shǫǫdí shaná’níłtsóód!
1-with 3-go.dl.CI maybe please 1-to-back-3-2-feed.IShį́į́dą́ą́’ na’niiłkaadgo t’áá ’áháníjį’ ’adeeshch’iłgo bik’ee deelyiz.
T’áá ’ákwíízhíní tó dah siyínígóó ’ałnánáshdááh.
every summer lake-toward again-1-go.RTó diłhił bá hooghan góne’ sáanii ’ałk’iijée’go hááhgóóshį́į́ jó shí da ’adadanishchidgo sédá.
bar 3-at women RECIP-3-fight.P-GO very instead 1-flinch.I-GO 1-sit.PYiską́ągo díí doo ’íídííłtah da. (K’ad tsxíiłgo ’ííníłta’.)
tomorrow this NEG 3-2-read.F NEG (now quickly 3-2-read.I)
Don’t read this tomorrow. (Read it now.)
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- yiską́ągo tomorrowfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
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- k’ad nowfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- tsxį́įłgo quickly, fastfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes