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’Ahbínígo ch’éshááh ’áádóó sodiszįįh.
morning-GO 1-go.out.U and.then 1-pray.U’Aseezį́ binaaltsoos biníkádinishchid.
gossip 3-paper 3-through-1-stick.finger.P’Atsį́’ísh ’éí doodaii’ łóó’ísh nínízin?
meat-Q or fish-Q 3-2-want.NI’Awéé’ dah biséłdá.
baby up 3-1-CAUS-hold.AnO.SPNI’m holding the baby in a sitting position.
bookmark’Ałk’ésdisí naháłnii’go sitsilí dóó shideezhí ’aheełt’éego bá ’ahá níjaa’.
candy 3-1-buy.CI-GO and 1-little.sister 3-1 split-GO.I 3-for 3-1 gave.I’Áádóó níléíjigo daaníigo t’óó ’áajigo shił dah ’adiilwod.
and.then over.there-toward pl-3-say.I-GO just that.way-toward 1-with 3-drive.P’Áhéhee’ dóó baa ’ahééh nisin. and 3-for appreciation 1-think.CI’Áko ’índa ’ákǫ́ǫ́ dah diiyá.
after.that to.there start 1.go.I’índa
’Áłah ’aleehgo ch’iyáán ’ádadiilnííł ’áko shį́į́ ’índa diné ndahidookah.
meeting-Comp food 3-1-Pl-make.F CONJ people 3-Pl.will-arrive.F'Ólta’góó dayínóhkááh.
Béeso bá hooghandi béeso ch’ééh ’adííníshkeed.
money 3-for house-at money in.vain 1-ask.IBéésh hataałí t’áádoo de nídíłki’í.
radio NEG up 2-volume.turn.I-ÍChidí naat’a’íísh hooghankáá’góó ch’ínísaal ’éí doodaii’ dziłghą́ą́’góó daats’í?
airplane house-over-along over-3-fly.P TOP or mountain-attached-along perhapsChidí nidabinóołtłáád.
car pl-3-2dpl-stop.OChʼééh jiyáán doo łikan da, wóóyą́ą́ʼ.
watermelon NEG sweet NEG 3-3-eat.ODa’ Ron saad neiskáá’?
Q Ron word 3-3-investigate.PDamóo yę́ędą́ą́’ dziłghą́ą́’dę́ę́’ shádí dóó ba’áłchíní bił ’adaashkai.
sunday past-time mountain top.of-from 1-elder.sister and 3-children 3-with downward-1-go.Pl.Pdeidííłhį́į́’ nínízin ya’?
hungry 2-want.NI QDíísh haa yit’éego ’atiin?
this-Q how 3-be.NI roadGohwééh t’áá bizhání ’éí doodaii’ ’abe’ biłgo daats’í nínízin?
coffee only TOP or milk 3-with-GO perhaps 3-2-want.NIHa’át’ííshą’ hastiin dóó ’at’ééd ’áyiilaa?
what-Q man and girl 3-3-make.Phadaoołgizhííłgizháá-P.ENCLITIC
where. The expressions formed with ’háá-’ have a postpositional enclitic following them which indicates information about direction, location, or path.
bookmarkHwééldigóó nda’aznánę́ędą́ą́’ nihahastóí yę́ę ła’ béédaho’dooszįįd.
joodlą́ą́’ę́ę́’ łį́į́’ shił nááldlosh.
town-from horse 1-with 3-run.CILąʼí Náhóółtáago hodookʼááłígíí yaa kódzaa dooleeł
much 3-rain-GO.O 3-fire.I-IGII 3-down to.happen.NI 3-become.FNa’ná’á biyaa góne’ dóó báhátis ’adiłt’oh.
bridge 3-under below and 3-across 3-3-shoot.PNdáa’di shizhé’é diné ła’ yił ’ahi’niigą́ą’go bita’ niséyá.
summer.ceremony-at 1-father man one 3-with Recip-3-fight.P-GO 3-between 3-1-go.siPNédáá dóó bikáá’adání bik’i ndinís’eez.
1-sit and table 3-on 1-place-1-foot.PNidlóóhísh doodaii’ doo daats’í nidlóoh da?
2-cold.I-Q or neg perhaps 2-cold.I negnidoohłeeł
3DO-2dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.Fcarry a ropelike thing around, 2nd person dual
bookmarkniyą́íwe, tʼáádoo ʼabeʼ tʼóó bee naninéʼhí. Hazhóʼó nidlą́.
stop NEG milk just 3-with 2-play.R-NEG properly 3-2-drink.ISitsóí ’ólta’góó dah diigháahgo ła’ béeso baa yish’ááh.
1-grandchild school-toward up some money 3-to 3-1-give.SRO.U
When my grandchild leaves for school, I usually give him/her some money.
bookmark- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- dishááh start to gofind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Usitative (U)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- yish’aah move it, handle it (SRO)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a datefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon