Your search for the postposition -k’ee on account of
has returned 12 entries
Shizhé’é bitsą́ądi haashį́į́ yidzaago tł’óó’góó yik’ee naalyiish.
1-father 3-stomach-at something 3-happen.P-GO outside-toward 3-on.account.of 2-bend/stoop.CI’Ashkii yázhí bee’eldǫǫh yik’ee ’ádadeeznih.
boy little gun 3-on.account.of REFL-3-hurt.PHak’az bik’ee shíchį́į́h doo ’áháłchįįh da.
Ńló bik’ee hooghan góne’ yah ’aniidzood.
hail 3-on.account.of house areal-in 3-in 1Pl-flee.PShį́į́dą́ą́’ na’niiłkaadgo t’áá ’áháníjį’ ’adeeshch’iłgo bik’ee deelyiz.
Last summer when we were out herding sheep a bolt of lightning struck nearby and gave us a startle.