Your search for the postposition -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a date
has returned 50 entries

’Ahwééh yishdlį́į́h ’áádóó naanishgóó yishááh.

coffee 3-1-drink.U and.then work-toward 3-1-go.U

’Ashkii yázhí éí bimá kingóó yił yi’ash.

boy little TOP 3-mother store-to 3-with 3-walk.du.Prog

’Áshįįh Bii’ Tóógóó náádísdzáago dziłghą́ą́’ hanáádeesh’nah.

Salt.Lake.City-toward again-1-go.F-GO mountain-back again-1-climb.R

'Ólta’góó dayínóhkááh.


'Ólta’góó deínóhkááh.


"Binák’eegóó baa da’ashch’osh lá," didíínííł.

3-eye-between-around 3-to pl-3-infest.P DISC 3-2-tell.F

Abínídą́ą́’ kintahgóó dah didoohkah.

morning-past town-GÓÓ up start-3pl.go.F

Bikáá’ dah ’asdáhí bikáa’gi doodaai’ ni’góó daats’í nishdaah?

chair 3-top-at or floor-on perhaps 1-sit.NI

Bíla’ashdla’ii wolyéii bił dah nahaz’ą́ą́góó t’áá ’ał’ąą bizaad dahólǫ́.

3-fingers-five-NOM 3-be.called-NOM 3-with static areal-3-govern.P-toward just separate 3-language pl

Ch’é’étiingóó naanéhígíí shił bééhózin.

entrance-along 3-play.I-COMP 1-with 3-know.NI

Ch’ééh déyáago hooghangóó nááshdááł.

in.vain home-to 1-return.Prog

Ch’iyáán ’ádaasdįįdgo kingóó ła’ hááshááł.

food pl-3-run.out.P-GO store-to some area-1-go.get.Prog

Chidí naat’a’íísh hooghan yikáá’góó ch’ét’a’ doodaii’ dził bąąhgóósh ch’ét’a’?

airplane-Q hogan 3-over-along 3-fly.P or mountain 3-side-along-Q 3-fly.P

Chidí naat’a’íísh hooghankáá’góó ch’ínísaal ’éí doodaii’ dziłghąą’góó daats’í?

airplane house-over-along over-3-fly.P TOP or mountain-attached-along perhaps

Chidí naat’a’íísh hooghankáá’góó ch’ínísaal ’éí doodaii’ dziłghą́ą́’góó daats’í?

airplane house-over-along over-3-fly.P TOP or mountain-attached-along perhaps

Doo ’atiin bąąhgóó ch’il ’ahwééh ’áłah ’ájíléeh da.

NEG road 3-beside-along plant coffee together 3-4-gather.SFO.I NEG

Doo hanii kintahgóó díníyáa da nisin.

NEG contrary town-toward 2-start.go.P NEG 1-think.CI

Doo kingóó diit’ash da.

NEG town-to 1dpl-go.du.Prog NEG

Dziłghą́ą́’góó deeshááł nissin.

mountain-top-toward 1-go.F 1-want.CI

Dziłgóó ’o’ooldee’ yę́ę ná’ooldah.

mountain-to past

Ha’át’éegoshą’ t’áadoo ’azee’ál’į́į́góó nisíníyáa da?

why-Q NEG hospital-to NEG

Háágóó díníyá?

where-to 2-go.F

Háágóó lá Bíl doogááł nízin Jáan?

where-toward Q Bill 3-want.CI John

Háágóó lá díníyá?

where-to.Q 2-go.F

Háágóóshą díníyá?

where-to.Q 2-go.F

Háí lá kintahgóó sh ’adoołbąs?

who-Q town-to 1-me 3-drive.F

K’ad ’ałníí’góó ’eeshtł’óół doo yę́ę ła’ damóo yę́ędą́ą́’ t’áadoo ’asétł’ǫ́ǫ da.

now half-toward 1-weave.Prog future past one Sunday when.past NEG 1-weave.P NEG

K’ad hooghangóó nááshdááł dooleeł.

now hogan-toward 1-go.Prog FUT

Na’nízhoozhígóósh díníyá?

Gallup-to-Q 2-go.SP

Naaki yiską́ągo Na’nízhoozhígóó shił ’adeeswod.

two yesterday Gallup-to 1-with 1-drive.F

Naʼahóóhai nitsaa b hoo’aahgóó dóola dííyééł.

rodeo 3-big.NI 3-with areal-space.I-to bull 2-haul.F

Naʼazhǫǫshgóó dooʼáazhgo nihikééʼ ʼiih deeshwoł.

casino-to 2du-go.F-GO 2pl-follow 3-into 1-run.F

Neeznáadigóó ’oolkiłgo ’áłah ’aleeh daaní. time-GO meeting pl-4-say.NI

Nimá yázhí bighangóó díílwoł dóó ’áájí ’awéé’ baa ’áhólyą́dooleeł.

your aunt 3-house-to 2-run-and that-way baby 3-for 2-care.CI FUT

Sha’áłchíní Toohgóó bił ’eesbąs.

1-children Shiprock-to 3-with 1-drive.Prog

Shicheii bighangóó yishááł.

1-grandfather house-toward 1-go.Prog

Shighandóó ndáá’góó ’ada’iisdee’go nihí ’éí t’áá yiike’.

1-home-from war.ceremony-to 3-go.away.P TOP just 1du-remain.behind.P

Shí ’éí t’áá naanishdóó kingóó déyá.

I TOP just work-from town-to 1-go.I

Shoo sitsóí, da’ Na’nízhoozhigóó n ’adeeswod?

hey 1-grandson Q Gallup-to 2-with 2-go.F

T’ah ’ałk’idídą́ą́’ ’éí Diné tát’áá góyaa kéédahat’íinii t’éiyá díí tábąąhgóó bidáda’ak’eh naaznil ńt’éé’.

still quite.long.ago the people water-near areal-down pl-3-reside.NI-NOM only this water-edge-toward farm 3-lie.about.SPN past

Not too long ago only the Navajos living down along the river had farms along these shores.

T’áá ’ákwíízhíní tó dah siyínígóó ’ałnánáshdááh.

every summer lake-toward again-1-go.R

Táá’ daats’í shinááhaigo Hwéeldi hoolyéégóó sh dah ’adiiná níigo halne’ łeh shicheii.

three maybe 1-year.P-GO Fort.Sumner-at areal-be.called-toward 1-with 3-migrate.P 3-say.NI-GO 4-tell. usually 1-grandfather

As my grandfather tells it, he was about three years old when he started off with the family on the move to Fort Sumner.

Tó bidinínáágóó ni’ bikáá’ hasé’éél.

water 3-opposite-toward land 3-on 1-float.P

I floated up onto land in the opposite direction from the water. (YM 1979:179)

Tóbąąhgóó yishtł’ééł.

river-toward 1-run.Prog

Yiską́ągo níléí Tóhajiileehgóó shigáál deizt’i’.

tomorrow.GO over.there Tóhajiileeh-toward 1-physical.being pl-3-path.extend.P