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’Ałk’idą́ą́’ Diné bikéyah bikáa’gi łį́į́’ bichąą bíighahgo tł’oh deíl’áá ńt’éé’ jiní.

long.ago 3-upon-at horse 3-belly sufficient-GO Pl-3-extend.out.of.sight.SNP hearsay

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Dana DesideriolistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Lorene B LegahlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Lorene B Legah

They say that long ago the grass in the Navajo country was as high as a horse’s belly.

Tsé bikáa’gi béésh dah si’ą́.

rock 3-on-at knife up 3-sit.SNP

Diné bikéyah bikáa’gi łáhágóó ninádahałtį́įh łeh.

Navajo 3-land 3-on-at a.few.places areal-rain.I usually

There are few places in the Navajo country where it rains.

Díí séí dóó tsé yázhí ’ałtahígíí łeezh bikáa’gi naasaas ’áko shį́į́ doo hashtł’ish da doołeeł.

this sand and stone little mixed.together-NOM dirt 3-on-at 3-1-sprinkle.Prog then maybe NEG mud NEG future

Chaha’oh biyaagi ni’dííłbąs. 3-under-at 2-drive.F

Naakaii Bito’gi béégashii bee łá’í ’ídlínígíí bee ’anishtah.

mexican water-at cow 3-with one-unify.P-COMP 3-with 1-among.NI

I’m a member of the Mexican Springs Cattle Association.

Shighan bíighahgi yas biyi’dę́ę́’ tsé hahíí’ą́.

3-house 3-inside of snow 3-inside-from rock 3-stick.out.NP

Sháahsita’gi yihę́ęsgo tsin-ts’ósí bee yích’id.

1-point.between.shoulder.blades 3-itch.I-GO stick 3-with 3-1-scratch.P

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Sharon NelsonlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Ron Gene

When I got an itch between my shoulder blades, I scratched it with a stick.

Na’azhǫǫshgi díkwíí shį́į́ shaa woobįįh? how.much 1-to pass-win.I

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Ron GenelistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Maryann Sam

How much will I lose at the hoop and pole game?

Diné bikéyah bikáa’gi ndahonidzood yę́ędą́ą́’ Naatsis’áán hoolyégóó niha’áłchíní bił ’adahineet’į́į́’.

Navajo 3-land 3-on-at past Navajo.Mountain areal-be.called.NI-to 1pl-children 3-with

Naaltsoos bikáá’ na’aníshí bikáa’gi si’ą́.

book desk 3-on-at up 3-lie.SRO.SPN

Dził bit’áahgi bįįh haalzheeh.

mountain deer 3-3-hunting.CI

He’s deer hunting over near the mountain.

Dził bit’ááhgi bįįh halzheeh.

mountain deer 3-3-hunting.CI

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Natalie DesideriolistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Devon Denny

He’s deer hunting over near the mountain.

Bikáá’ dah ’asdáhí bikáa’gi doodaai’ ni’góó daats’í nishdaah?

chair 3-top-at or floor-on perhaps 1-sit.NI

Tł’éédą́ą́’ásh nahóółtą́ kééhót’ínígi?

night-past-Q rain.P 2-live.NI-at

Díigi ’át’éegoósh ’ájiił’įįh?

this-at 3-be-GO-Q SUP-4-do.P

Ha’át’éegishą’ nich’ah nííní’ą́?

where-at-Q 2-hat 3-2-set.down.SRO.P

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Tyler TinhornlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Tyler Tinhorn

Where did you leave your hat? Where did you set your hat down?

Na’nishkaadgo nídíshchííyaagi hanáshyį́į́h ńt’éé’ ’iiłhaazh lá, t’ah nít’éé’ shilééchąą’í ch’ééshinísid.

1-herd.I-GO pinetree-under-at 1-rest.I past 1-slept.P DISC all.of.sudden 1-dog 1-woke.up.P

Tł’óo’di kǫ’ diltłi’ bikáa’gi chéch’il ła’ dináádísh’nííł.

outside-at fire 3-burn.NI 3-on-at oak some fire-again-3-1-move.PlO.I

Shibéézh bik’í’óshch’iid le’ ’éé’ bitahgi yóó’ ’eelts’id.

1-knife clothes 3-among 3-move.P