Your search for the mode Future (F)
has returned 50 entries
ʼAshiiké chahaʼoh ʼádeidoolííł, ʼatsʼos bee ʼazhish biniiyé.
boy-pl shade-house 3-3-pl-build.F feather 3-means-of dance 3-reason’Áłtsé biba’ dooleeł ’áko shį́į́ ’índa nihił dah adidoolwoł.
first 3.for will until then only 1.with start 3-drive.F’Ííshją́ą́ ’at’ééd yázhí hooghandę́ę́’ ch’idoogááł.
certainly girl little house-from out-3-walk.F’Áádę́ę́’ nánísdzáago łį́į́’ bá ni’deeshjoł.
from.there 1-return.p-GO horse 3-for pl-1-feed.FAbínídą́ą́’ kintahgóó dah didoohkah.
morning-past town-GÓÓ up start-3pl.go.FYou all go to town in the morning. (YM1987: 344)
bookmark- I-A-Command, affirmative
- I-i-Future
- -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a datefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’ahbínídą́ą́’ this morningfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- dah up at an elevation, off, static, holdingfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
Át’ah ’índa shaa náádíídááł.
later 1-to again-2-come.FBee nahaldzoohí yah ’adíítį́į́ł. Da’ yah 'ííńtą́?
broom in 3-2-bring.F.SSO Q in 3.2.bring.P.SSOChidí łizhinígíí doodago łigaaígíí daats’í nahideeshnih?
car black-nom or white-nom perhaps 3-2-buy.FDa’diidį́į́ł.
pl-1dpl-eat-pl.Fdadoołbishóogo ’áłah ’aleeh ’áko ’áadi nihaadíínááł.
Sunday 3-gather 3-be so there-at 1-Pl-to-2-arrive.Fdeididínóołkał to herd them (animals), 3rd person plural
bookmarkdididoołjahínéeshkał to herd them (animals), 1st person singular
bookmarkdiididoołjahį́į́łíí tsídii bit’oh yisdádeeshjoł, ’áko shį́į́ kónááhoot’éhé tsídii ła’ náábít’oh dooleeł.
this bird 3-nest 3-1-save.F-NCM then maybe next.year bird some again-3-nest futureDíí tł’éé’ ’iidííłhosh.
this night 2-sleep.FDíí tł’éé’ ’índa hazhó’óó ’iideeshwosh.
this night only.then uninterrupted 1-sleep.FDíí yihahígíí biyi’, háísh tówónaanígóó ch’aa deeyá?
this year.IGII within who overseas.GOO travel 3-going.F-QDíí yiską́ągo ’íídííłtah.
this tomorrow 3-2-read.FDoo ’áłah dadiidleeł da.
NEG together NEGhadazhdínóołchał it (as in wool), 4th person plural
pl-3DO-3dpl-carry.him/her.up.out.of.something.Fcarry him/her up out of something, 3rd person plural
bookmarkHáidíígíísh neidiyoołnih nínízin?ÍGÍÍ-Q 3-3-buy.F 2-think.NIHáísh yiską́ągo ’adoogis?
who-Q tomorrow 3-wash.FHodíínáá’ágo bááh dootł’izhí ła’ deeshį́į́ł.
after.a.while-GO bread blue some 1-eat.FHooghan bikáá’ dah si’áánígíí biyah danii’áago ’ádíílį́į́ł ’áko hooghan doo ałhiinídoołdas da.
hogan 3-on up 3-sit.SPN-ÍGÍÍ 3-under pl-3-extend.NP-GO 3-2-make.F so hogan NEG RECIP-3-collapse.F NEGUse strong pillars to build the hogan so that the roof will not cave in.
bookmark- -káá’ on, on top offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- dah up at an elevation, off, static, holdingfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Si-Perfective Neuter (SPN)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- -yah under, beneathfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Neuter Perfective (NP)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- -go verb and subordinating encliticfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’áko so, so that, so then
- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
jididoołhįhénídánííljeehgo, sin ła’ beehódíítał. song some 2-sing.FNa’nízhoozhígóó chídí doo nił dah didoolwoł da.
Gallup-to car NEG 2-with up NEGYou will not go to Gallup with the car. (YM 1987: 319)
bookmark- I-A-Command, negative
- I-i-Future
- -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a datefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -ił withfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- dah up at an elevation, off, static, holdingfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’oolwoł drivefind in Navajo Verb Modes
Naʼahóóhai baa nídiikai ʼakó ʼakʼidahiʼniłí bee shíká ʼadíílwoł.
rodeo 3-about so saddle.blanket 3-with 1-after 2-help.FNaʼazhǫǫshgóó dooʼáazhgo nihikééʼ ʼiih deeshwoł.
casino-to 2du-go.F-GO 2pl-follow 3-into 1-run.Fnideidooleeł
pl-3DO-3dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.Fcarry a ropelike thing around, 3rd person plural
bookmarkNimá yázhí bighangóó díílwoł dóó ’áájí ’awéé’ baa ’áhólyą́ą dooleeł.
your aunt 3-house-to 2-run-and that-way baby 3-for 2-care.CI FUTGo to your aunt’s house and take care of the baby over there.
bookmark- -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a datefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- yishwoł run alongfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- -aa tofind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- goal
- Continuative Imperfective (CI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’áháshyą́ carefind in Navajo Verb Modes
- dooleeł futurefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
Shínaaí shíká ’adoolwoł nisin ńt’éé’ ’áłt’ąą t’áadoo níyáa da. 1-for 3-run.F 1-want.NI but after.all NEG NEGI wanted my older brother to help me but unfortunately he didn’t come.
bookmark- -ká after, forfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- benefactive
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- yishwoł run alongfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nisin think, wantfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- ńt’éé’ relates to past timefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- ’áłt’ąą after allfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- t’áadoo notfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nishááh come, arrivefind in Navajo Verb Modes
Tó tsíídkáá’ dididííkááł.
water charcoal-on start-3-2-put.OC.FTsxį́įłgo łees’áán ádíílííł; nimásání nihaa yíghááh!
quickly tortilla 2-make.F 2.poss-mat.grandma-NOM 3-come.FYéego ’ííníłta’, shi’awéé’, ’áko nizhónígo ni’dííłtah.
really 2-study.NI 1-baby so well 2-graduate.Fyididoołhįhą́ągo díí doo ’íídííłtah da. (K’ad tsxíiłgo ’ííníłta’.)
tomorrow this NEG 3-2-read.F NEG (now quickly 3-2-read.I)Don’t read this tomorrow. (Read it now.)
bookmark- I-A-Command, negative
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- I-A-Command, affirmative
- I-i-Imperfective
- yiską́ągo tomorrowfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- k’ad nowfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- tsxį́įłgo quickly, fastfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
Yiską́ągo Na’nízhoozhídi háadish ’adeeshį́į́ł ninízin?
tomorrow Gallup-at where-Q 2-eat.F 2-want.CIWhen you go to Gallup tomorrow where do you want to eat?
bookmark- yiską́ągo tomorrowfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- háá-P.ENCLITIC wherefind in Navajo Questions Lexicon
- -sh enclitic for content questionsfind in Navajo Questions Lexicon
- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- yíshą́ eat itfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Continuative Imperfective (CI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nisin think, wantfind in Navajo Verb Modes
Yiską́ągo daats’í doodaii’ naakiiską́ągo daats’í dah dideeshááł.
tomorrow.GO maybe either two.tomorrow-GO or 1-start.go.FʼAzhishgóó déyá, sis łigaii shaʼ díílééł.
dance-to 1-go.F belt silver 1-borrow3-lend.SFO.FI am going to the song and dance, will you lend me your belt?