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Fuel: Dry portions of this plant are used as firewood. Construction: The timber of this plant is used to create roof members of local houses. It is not considered a strong wood.

[nəfwe:ŋ] n. tree, 8 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #2985)

Example: Fuel: Dry portions of this plant are used as firewood. Construction: The timber of this plant is used to create roof members of local houses. It is not considered a strong wood.


Fuel: Dry portions of this plant are used as firewood. Construction: The timber of this plant is used to create roof members of local houses. It is not considered a strong wood.

n. tree, 8 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #2985)

Example: Fuel: Dry portions of this plant are used as firewood. Construction: The timber of this plant is used to create roof members of local houses. It is not considered a strong wood.


Stem to make house posts. Put fruits in with sweet potato when planting to enable the sweet potato to yield a good crop.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5067)

Example: Stem to make house posts. Put fruits in with sweet potato when planting to enable the sweet potato to yield a good crop.

nefrei yassuk


n. creeping herb with white flowers and red-orange fleshy fruit. (collection: Laurence Ramon #333)


The wood of this tree is used for building houses. When a person has a large cut, chew the young leaves of this plant until soft, roll up into some of the same leaf, heat on the fire for 5 minutes, put the heated leaves directly on the wound and secure this with a cloth. To treat diarrhea in small children, parents chew the leaves and give the juice that extrudes to the kids, 1 teaspoon, 2x daily for 2 days or until the condition goes away.

n. damaged tree, growing in open forest heavily impacted by cyclone. flowers pale-yellowish tan. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3234)

Example: The wood of this tree is used for building houses. When a person has a large cut, chew the young leaves of this plant until soft, roll up into some of the same leaf, heat on the fire for 5 minutes, put the heated leaves directly on the wound and secure this with a cloth. To treat diarrhea in small children, parents chew the leaves and give the juice that extrudes to the kids, 1 teaspoon, 2x daily for 2 days or until the condition goes away.



valley, ravine

nehi yasur ~ nɨhi yasur


Yasur volcano black smoke and ash



n. tree, bush, log, timber, wood



psetl-like stick used to mash the kava in the strainer leaves, and to observe the taboo on touching kava with the hands

nei akona


n. poison tree, can be used as medicine, or to kill a person

nei apsan


kind of plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5063)

nei kamoukurei


n. canoe seat

nei kamuptei

nei kamuptei

n. ladder

nei peken


n. medicinal leaves applied to circumcision wounds

nei pwasi Nouanpɨko


n. poinsetta


Stem used to make bow. Stem for ax handle.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5146)

Example: Stem used to make bow. Stem for ax handle.



n. Coleus sp.



nail (Bislama?)


Leaf used to thatch house. Chew base of stem as sugar cane - it’s sweet.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5088)

Example: Leaf used to thatch house. Chew base of stem as sugar cane - it’s sweet.



leaf bundle of concoction used in sorcery, allows a person to become invisible, etc.



two days from the present




neisei naikwasin


n. washing board


If someone has swollen legs or arms, like from bruises or boils, crush leaves and rub on the swollen area twice a day for 1 week, or until sores disappear. For anemia, take a double handful of leaves, squeeze into 1 L water, and drink one bottle three day for 2 weeks.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5106)

Example: If someone has swollen legs or arms, like from bruises or boils, crush leaves and rub on the swollen area twice a day for 1 week, or until sores disappear. For anemia, take a double handful of leaves, squeeze into 1 L water, and drink one bottle three day for 2 weeks.


If someone has swollen legs or arms, like from bruises or boils, crush leaves and rub on the swollen area twice a day for 1 week, or until sores disappear. For anemia, take a double handful of leaves, squeeze into 1 L water, and drink one bottle three day for 2 weeks.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5106)

Example: If someone has swollen legs or arms, like from bruises or boils, crush leaves and rub on the swollen area twice a day for 1 week, or until sores disappear. For anemia, take a double handful of leaves, squeeze into 1 L water, and drink one bottle three day for 2 weeks.





This plant is used to lift a person up--take two leaves together and make a "seat" and put it under a person, they can then be lifted up by the two people with a leaf on each side of that person. Use the leaf of this species to wrap rolled leaves of wild tobaco, to protect it and keep it fresh and moist.

[neke hmup] n. herb to 2 m tall, growing on the edge of a homestead (collection: Michael J. Balick #4723)

Example: This plant is used to lift a person up--take two leaves together and make a "seat" and put it under a person, they can then be lifted up by the two people with a leaf on each side of that person. Use the leaf of this species to wrap rolled leaves of wild tobaco, to protect it and keep it fresh and moist.


This plant is used to lift a person up--take two leaves together and make a "seat" and put it under a person, they can then be lifted up by the two people with a leaf on each side of that person. Use the leaf of this species to wrap rolled leaves of wild tobaco, to protect it and keep it fresh and moist

n. herb to 2 m tall, growing on the edge of a homestead (collection: Michael J. Balick #4723)

Example: This plant is used to lift a person up--take two leaves together and make a "seat" and put it under a person, they can then be lifted up by the two people with a leaf on each side of that person. Use the leaf of this species to wrap rolled leaves of wild tobaco, to protect it and keep it fresh and moist


Feed pigs with this leaf. Aerial roots are pounded, dried and used as strap for men in the Toka Dance. The roots are woven into a design that signifies the rank, such as a chief.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5046)

Example: Feed pigs with this leaf. Aerial roots are pounded, dried and used as strap for men in the Toka Dance. The roots are woven into a design that signifies the rank, such as a chief.


This plant is used to reduce the pain of toothache. Take the stem and peel it, remove the bark and place the bark against a sore tooth. Keep it is place, until the person feels better. Can use this treatment 2-3 times. It is said to "take the pain away." The tooth may rot away naturally, but this is good for the pain that accompanies toothache. The dried fruits and seeds of the plant can be mixed with pig food, such as coconut, and when the female pigs eat it, they will not have piglets. This is said to be used when a person has too many pigs.

[kəfe:rəŋ] n. epiphyte growing on cyathea trunk, growing along garden trail. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3066)

Example: This plant is used to reduce the pain of toothache. Take the stem and peel it, remove the bark and place the bark against a sore tooth. Keep it is place, until the person feels better. Can use this treatment 2-3 times. It is said to "take the pain away." The tooth may rot away naturally, but this is good for the pain that accompanies toothache. The dried fruits and seeds of the plant can be mixed with pig food, such as coconut, and when the female pigs eat it, they will not have piglets. This is said to be used when a person has too many pigs.


This plant is used to reduce the pain of toothache. Take the stem and peel it, remove the bark and place the bark against a sore tooth. Keep it is place, until the person feels better. Can use this treatment 2-3 times. It is said to "take the pain away." The tooth may rot away naturally, but this is good for the pain that accompanies toothache. The dried fruits and seeds of the plant can be mixed with pig food, such as coconut, and when the female pigs eat it, they will not have piglets. This is said to be used when a person has too many pigs.

n. epiphyte growing on cyathea trunk, growing along garden trail. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3066)

Example: This plant is used to reduce the pain of toothache. Take the stem and peel it, remove the bark and place the bark against a sore tooth. Keep it is place, until the person feels better. Can use this treatment 2-3 times. It is said to "take the pain away." The tooth may rot away naturally, but this is good for the pain that accompanies toothache. The dried fruits and seeds of the plant can be mixed with pig food, such as coconut, and when the female pigs eat it, they will not have piglets. This is said to be used when a person has too many pigs.


Fruits are edible, ripe, break open with hammer and eat seeds fresh. Stems for house posts. Stems for carving.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5162)

Example: Fruits are edible, ripe, break open with hammer and eat seeds fresh. Stems for house posts. Stems for carving.


Used to trap birds. Cut the stem of this plant and collect the sap. Take a small vine locally known as Nanupi, and roll the vine into a ball, infuse it with white latex which then turns brown, put it in a papaya or banana tree--when a bird comes to feed on the fruit of those trees, it gets stuck to the ball and can’t leave. This is good for harvesting small birds to be eaten.

[naka̤ri̤təŋ] n. tree, growing in disturbed forest/garden area. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3107)

Example: Used to trap birds. Cut the stem of this plant and collect the sap. Take a small vine locally known as Nanupi, and roll the vine into a ball, infuse it with white latex which then turns brown, put it in a papaya or banana tree--when a bird comes to feed on the fruit of those trees, it gets stuck to the ball and can’t leave. This is good for harvesting small birds to be eaten.


Used to trap birds. Cut the stem of this plant and collect the sap. Take a small vine locally known as Nanupi, and roll the vine into a ball, infuse it with white latex which then turns brown, put it in a papaya or banana tree--when a bird comes to feed on the fruit of those trees, it gets stuck to the ball and can’t leave. This is good for harvesting small birds to be eaten.

n. tree, growing in disturbed forest/garden area. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3107)

Example: Used to trap birds. Cut the stem of this plant and collect the sap. Take a small vine locally known as Nanupi, and roll the vine into a ball, infuse it with white latex which then turns brown, put it in a papaya or banana tree--when a bird comes to feed on the fruit of those trees, it gets stuck to the ball and can’t leave. This is good for harvesting small birds to be eaten.


Hibiscus rosasinensis

[nakatirew] n. shrub, 3-5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3157)


Hibiscus rosasinensis

n. shrub, 3-5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3157)

nekaui reia

Hunting: The wood of the tree is used, as the body of a spear, to hunt fishes and turtles. To fashion the spear, an appropriate length of wood is cut, debarked, heated (to straighten) and then topped with an iron point. Note: Iaruman is the name of the male form of this plant. Prane is the female form of this plant.

n. tree, 5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3026)

Example: Hunting: The wood of the tree is used, as the body of a spear, to hunt fishes and turtles. To fashion the spear, an appropriate length of wood is cut, debarked, heated (to straighten) and then topped with an iron point. Note: Iaruman is the name of the male form of this plant. Prane is the female form of this plant.

nekava kava

Hunting: Flying foxes are attracted to this plant for their red fruits. As a result, hunters gather around this plant when they desire to hunt the flying fox.

[maka:rwa] n. liana growing on trunk of hedycarya dorstenioides, in dense forest along ridge. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3004)

Example: Hunting: Flying foxes are attracted to this plant for their red fruits. As a result, hunters gather around this plant when they desire to hunt the flying fox.

nekava kava

Hunting: Flying foxes are attracted to this plant for their red fruits. As a result, hunters gather around this plant when they desire to hunt the flying fox.

n. liana growing on trunk of hedycarya dorstenioides, in dense forest along ridge. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3004)

Example: Hunting: Flying foxes are attracted to this plant for their red fruits. As a result, hunters gather around this plant when they desire to hunt the flying fox.


Animal Feed: The green leaves of this plant are used to feed pigs. Hunting: The inner part of the long dry rhizome is woven to create a pidgeon trap.

[nəfkafa:i] n. liana growing on trunk of hedycarya dorstenioides, in dense forest along ridge. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3009)

Example: Animal Feed: The green leaves of this plant are used to feed pigs. Hunting: The inner part of the long dry rhizome is woven to create a pidgeon trap.


Animal Feed: The green leaves of this plant are used to feed pigs. Hunting: The inner part of the long dry rhizome is woven to create a pidgeon trap.

n. liana growing on trunk of hedycarya dorstenioides, in dense forest along ridge. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3009)

Example: Animal Feed: The green leaves of this plant are used to feed pigs. Hunting: The inner part of the long dry rhizome is woven to create a pidgeon trap.


Ceremonial: During kava preparation, chewed kava roots are placed on the green leaves of this plant before extracting. One of many leaves used for this purpose.

[makeihimap] n. small, sparsely branched shrub (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3033)

Example: Ceremonial: During kava preparation, chewed kava roots are placed on the green leaves of this plant before extracting. One of many leaves used for this purpose.


Ceremonial: During kava preparation, chewed kava roots are placed on the green leaves of this plant before extracting. One of many leaves used for this purpose.

n. small, sparsely branched shrub (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3033)

Example: Ceremonial: During kava preparation, chewed kava roots are placed on the green leaves of this plant before extracting. One of many leaves used for this purpose.


When people chew the kava root for processing, they spit it on this leaf. It is sort of a magic leaf for picking up a person--put 4 leaves together, 2 per side and then lift the person up.

n. shrub, 2 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3248)

Example: When people chew the kava root for processing, they spit it on this leaf. It is sort of a magic leaf for picking up a person--put 4 leaves together, 2 per side and then lift the person up.


When a person is sick put two of these large leaves together and use them to "carry" a person to the medicine specialist. If the sick person is a man, six people line up and put many leaves on the palm of their interwoven hands and then they carry the sick person while saying a special incantation. This is a very old practice. If a person has a stomach pain take 2 of the white inflorescences with the right hand and give them to the person to eat, twice a day (in the morning and eveing) for 4 days. The pain will go away. When kava is chewed to prepare the beverage, the roots are sp

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5016)

Example: When a person is sick put two of these large leaves together and use them to "carry" a person to the medicine specialist. If the sick person is a man, six people line up and put many leaves on the palm of their interwoven hands and then they carry the sick person while saying a special incantation. This is a very old practice. If a person has a stomach pain take 2 of the white inflorescences with the right hand and give them to the person to eat, twice a day (in the morning and eveing) for 4 days. The pain will go away. When kava is chewed to prepare the beverage, the roots are sp

nekes kes

When a person sees this in flower, they know that the taro is ready for harvest. Birds like the fruit and so boys like to hunt the birds near the plant.

[nakɨskɨs] n. parasite on fallen ficus branch, growing in dense forest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3136)

Example: When a person sees this in flower, they know that the taro is ready for harvest. Birds like the fruit and so boys like to hunt the birds near the plant.

nekes kes

When a person sees this in flower, they know that the taro is ready for harvest. Birds like the fruit and so boys like to hunt the birds near the plant.

n. parasite on fallen ficus branch, growing in dense forest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3136)

Example: When a person sees this in flower, they know that the taro is ready for harvest. Birds like the fruit and so boys like to hunt the birds near the plant.


Asplenium cf. caudatum

[nakəskəs apran] n. small fern growing on decaying log in dense forest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3121)


Asplenium cf. caudatum

n. small fern growing on decaying log in dense forest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3121)


Remove base from flower and chew flower--tastes sweet. Long ago there were no pens, you could use this flower to write message on wood.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5138)

Example: Remove base from flower and chew flower--tastes sweet. Long ago there were no pens, you could use this flower to write message on wood.


The leaves, fruits and stems of this plant are used as pig food. The leaves are used to wrap lap lap in. Leaves are also used to cover a roof of a house--the top part or ridge.

n. liana growing up a damaged macaranga dioica tree, growing in open forest heavily impacted by cyclone. flowering spadices green to tannish-yellow. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3241)

Example: The leaves, fruits and stems of this plant are used as pig food. The leaves are used to wrap lap lap in. Leaves are also used to cover a roof of a house--the top part or ridge.



[nikere] n. tree to 3 m tall, dbh 10 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4739)

Example: Local medicine, secret use.


Kastom medicine to ascertain the type of sickness a person has. Take two small 6 in. long branches with leaves, and place this on the person along with another unspecified plant. Will help diagnosis.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5060)

Example: Kastom medicine to ascertain the type of sickness a person has. Take two small 6 in. long branches with leaves, and place this on the person along with another unspecified plant. Will help diagnosis.


Kastom medicine to ascertain the type of sickness a person has. Take two small 6 in. long branches with leaves, and place this on the person along with another unspecified plant. Will help diagnosis.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5060)

Example: Kastom medicine to ascertain the type of sickness a person has. Take two small 6 in. long branches with leaves, and place this on the person along with another unspecified plant. Will help diagnosis.


The leaves of this plant are warmed over a fire and put warm on the legs of a person who is cold or has a headache, such as from a fever that comes with the flu. See 3076 for additional comments on this technique.

n. sparsely branched shrub, 3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3081)

Example: The leaves of this plant are warmed over a fire and put warm on the legs of a person who is cold or has a headache, such as from a fever that comes with the flu. See 3076 for additional comments on this technique.


Stem used to make canoe. Easy to cut.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5077)

Example: Stem used to make canoe. Easy to cut.



people, men


Fruits cooked and eaten. Young leaves can be fried or boiled and eaten as a vegetable, like a mix with vegetable and meat and cooked in earth oven. Stem to make canoe, very long lasting wood 5-12 years, very tight wood. Older stems good for house posts.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5030)

Example: Fruits cooked and eaten. Young leaves can be fried or boiled and eaten as a vegetable, like a mix with vegetable and meat and cooked in earth oven. Stem to make canoe, very long lasting wood 5-12 years, very tight wood. Older stems good for house posts.


When this plant flowers, along with an unspecified white flower, people know that a certain shellfish, locally known as Bari, is ready to harvest and eat.

n. well branched tree, 12-15 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3098)

Example: When this plant flowers, along with an unspecified white flower, people know that a certain shellfish, locally known as Bari, is ready to harvest and eat.



n. breadfruit

nemer itoga


n. soursop





Hunting: Flying foxes are attracted to this plant for their flowers. As a result, hunters gather around this plant when they desire to hunt the flying fox.

[nemra:pɨp] n. epiphyte growing in dense forest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #2991)

Example: Hunting: Flying foxes are attracted to this plant for their flowers. As a result, hunters gather around this plant when they desire to hunt the flying fox.


Hunting: Flying foxes are attracted to this plant for their flowers. As a result, hunters gather around this plant when they desire to hunt the flying fox.

n. epiphyte growing in dense forest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #2991)

Example: Hunting: Flying foxes are attracted to this plant for their flowers. As a result, hunters gather around this plant when they desire to hunt the flying fox.


1. A locally revered kestrel, known as tikurkak, makes it’s nest with the leaves.

n. large, well branched tree (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4240)

Example: 1. A locally revered kestrel, known as tikurkak, makes it’s nest with the leaves.


For counting, for example tallying the number of people invited for kava or food, each person can be represented by a pinnae. When done marking each pinnae for a person, take off the rest. Then you’ll be able to return and see the number of pinnae remaining on the rachis if how many people will be coming. Used to make a bird trap. Bleed sap from cut on stem of this tree onto fibers of Pneumatopteris sp. (MB 5018) The fern fibers are rolled into a ball and used to soak up the sap from the tree. Then remove the fern fibers once you have a ball of sap. These fibers are then discarded. The

n. type of fern (collection: Michael J. Balick #5018)

Example: For counting, for example tallying the number of people invited for kava or food, each person can be represented by a pinnae. When done marking each pinnae for a person, take off the rest. Then you’ll be able to return and see the number of pinnae remaining on the rachis if how many people will be coming. Used to make a bird trap. Bleed sap from cut on stem of this tree onto fibers of Pneumatopteris sp. (MB 5018) The fern fibers are rolled into a ball and used to soak up the sap from the tree. Then remove the fern fibers once you have a ball of sap. These fibers are then discarded. The



n. heat



coconut leaf sheath



n. coconut fibrous leaf sheath (used to strain kava)



dry season









fog, ground fog









pig killing stick

nepar nepar

Fuel: Firewood Construction: Used to construct posts for houses. Tools: Wood is used to fashion handles for axes. Hunting: Wood is used to make the limbs of a bow. It is not considered the most suitable wood for this purpose.

[napurnapur] n. small sapling, 1.5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3029)

Example: Fuel: Firewood Construction: Used to construct posts for houses. Tools: Wood is used to fashion handles for axes. Hunting: Wood is used to make the limbs of a bow. It is not considered the most suitable wood for this purpose.

nepar nepar

Fuel: Firewood Construction: Used to construct posts for houses. Tools: Wood is used to fashion handles for axes. Hunting: Wood is used to make the limbs of a bow. It is not considered the most suitable wood for this purpose.

n. small sapling, 1.5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3029)

Example: Fuel: Firewood Construction: Used to construct posts for houses. Tools: Wood is used to fashion handles for axes. Hunting: Wood is used to make the limbs of a bow. It is not considered the most suitable wood for this purpose.


Before there were many root crops such as taro and cassava, people would use the roots of this plant as a food, after roasting it in the fire. The roots are said to be very large and edible.

[ne̤pa̤rɨm] n. vine, growing in disturbed forest/garden area. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3103)

Example: Before there were many root crops such as taro and cassava, people would use the roots of this plant as a food, after roasting it in the fire. The roots are said to be very large and edible.


Before there were many root crops such as taro and cassava, people would use the roots of this plant as a food, after roasting it in the fire. The roots are said to be very large and edible.

n. vine, growing in disturbed forest/garden area. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3103)

Example: Before there were many root crops such as taro and cassava, people would use the roots of this plant as a food, after roasting it in the fire. The roots are said to be very large and edible.



kind of coconut, has the largest fruit of any coconut and the fruit is more oblong in shape

Example: The fiber from this variety (from the sheath base) is used for kastom ceremonies to cover kava when the young boys are coming out from their circumcision houses. This fiber is also wrapped around the middle of a bow to give it strength and help prevent it from cracking. The fiber can also be used to make a sleeping hammock as it is strong and clean


Root is sold to earn money, as perfume and oil is from this. Grandparents used to dry the wood over a cooking fire in a kitchen when a person would get the flu. To help, they’d take dried and heated wood, scrape one cup’s worth into hot water, and then breathe over the steam bath. Drink water afterwards. Do thhis once a day for three days.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5035)

Example: Root is sold to earn money, as perfume and oil is from this. Grandparents used to dry the wood over a cooking fire in a kitchen when a person would get the flu. To help, they’d take dried and heated wood, scrape one cup’s worth into hot water, and then breathe over the steam bath. Drink water afterwards. Do thhis once a day for three days.


Leaves used in cooking to flavor soup. To cure sore known as "yaush" that is the size of a 50 vatu coin or larger,  take 2-3 branches, collect leaves, put in pot, and warm. Wash the sore 3x day wash for 1-2 weeks. This disease is caused by flies and mosquitos. Yaush is the English name. Mosquito or fly bites the person, passes worm similar to filariasis, then a boil erupts and scratch it becomes big sore. Dry leaves and flowers, put in tin, and light it up to keep mosquitoes away. The smoke from this burning plant chases away mosquitoes like a coil.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5076)

Example: Leaves used in cooking to flavor soup. To cure sore known as "yaush" that is the size of a 50 vatu coin or larger, take 2-3 branches, collect leaves, put in pot, and warm. Wash the sore 3x day wash for 1-2 weeks. This disease is caused by flies and mosquitos. Yaush is the English name. Mosquito or fly bites the person, passes worm similar to filariasis, then a boil erupts and scratch it becomes big sore. Dry leaves and flowers, put in tin, and light it up to keep mosquitoes away. The smoke from this burning plant chases away mosquitoes like a coil.


Medicinal use. For back pain, take double handful of leaf, mash it in 1/2 liter of water, squeeze into cup. Drink 2 cups / day, morning and afternoon for 5 days.

n. type of fern (collection: Michael J. Balick #5127)

Example: Medicinal use. For back pain, take double handful of leaf, mash it in 1/2 liter of water, squeeze into cup. Drink 2 cups / day, morning and afternoon for 5 days.


Root is sold to earn money, as perfume and oil is from this. Grandparents used to dry the wood over a cooking fire in a kitchen when a person would get the flu. To help, they’d take dried and heated wood, scrape one cup’s worth into hot water, and then breathe over the steam bath. Drink water afterwards. Do thhis once a day for three days.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5035)

Example: Root is sold to earn money, as perfume and oil is from this. Grandparents used to dry the wood over a cooking fire in a kitchen when a person would get the flu. To help, they’d take dried and heated wood, scrape one cup’s worth into hot water, and then breathe over the steam bath. Drink water afterwards. Do thhis once a day for three days.



n. taro

(Bislama) taro


Fuel: Dry portions of this plant are used as firewood. Fish Poison: To help catch fish, a bundle of leaves are squeezed and placed in a stream. After some time, the fish appear stunned and are caught.

[narɨr] n. shrub, 2 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #2972)

Example: Fuel: Dry portions of this plant are used as firewood. Fish Poison: To help catch fish, a bundle of leaves are squeezed and placed in a stream. After some time, the fish appear stunned and are caught.


Fuel: Dry portions of this plant are used as firewood. Fish Poison: To help catch fish, a bundle of leaves are squeezed and placed in a stream. After some time, the fish appear stunned and are caught.

n. shrub, 2 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #2972)

Example: Fuel: Dry portions of this plant are used as firewood. Fish Poison: To help catch fish, a bundle of leaves are squeezed and placed in a stream. After some time, the fish appear stunned and are caught.



n. kind of tree with stinging leaves



n. rain




nesen asori


n. heavy (big) rain



n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5081)





Cut branches, dry in the sun until the leaves fall out, and then tie branches together to make broom. Stem used for canoe outrigger.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5145)

Example: Cut branches, dry in the sun until the leaves fall out, and then tie branches together to make broom. Stem used for canoe outrigger.






Netwar language, spoken on Tanna Island





Weave bark fiber to make slings, grass skirt for ladies, hats and baskets. To do this, rett outer bark in sea for 1 week to rot everything but the fiber, take remaining fiber, dry in sun and use as a fiber for weaving.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5114)

Example: Weave bark fiber to make slings, grass skirt for ladies, hats and baskets. To do this, rett outer bark in sea for 1 week to rot everything but the fiber, take remaining fiber, dry in sun and use as a fiber for weaving.



fight, dispute, argument