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The fruits of this tree are collected, mixed with ground coconut, boiled in water and the oil collected. The resulting oil is used medicinally, put on the skin for any condition to promote healing. Apply once a day until the condition resolves. Also can be used to treat head lice. Add the oil mixture to the hair, massage in, keep the hair dry for a day, then wash. Use once daily for 3 days.

n. tree to 15 m, dbh 50 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4918)

Example: The fruits of this tree are collected, mixed with ground coconut, boiled in water and the oil collected. The resulting oil is used medicinally, put on the skin for any condition to promote healing. Apply once a day until the condition resolves. Also can be used to treat head lice. Add the oil mixture to the hair, massage in, keep the hair dry for a day, then wash. Use once daily for 3 days.


name = "stonefish ears" 1. To treat rashes - boil 4 leaves in water ad wait until it cools. Wash in this once a day until rash goes away. 2. Stonefish sting – very painful: 1 handful of leaves with squeezed coconut juice – coconut water – from green coconut. Mix the leaves and water and then make a cut in the wound to enlarge it and pour this juice into the wound. In 5-10 minutes the pain will stop, use 1x, very powerful. 3.If a person such as a mother touches the stonefish while preparing it for food, then does not wash hands, can infect a child – and the child will get sores. Take a small branch and boil it in the water and wash the baby with it to make pain go away. 4. Stonefish is a greatly appreciated food that must be prepared carefully by holding the fish by the mouth and not touching the body. Boil the fish to inactivate the poison and then prepare it as a normal fish for cooking. Poison is found in top spine of fish.

n. shrub. Found in the village Unames. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #33)

Example: name = "stonefish ears" 1. To treat rashes - boil 4 leaves in water ad wait until it cools. Wash in this once a day until rash goes away. 2. Stonefish sting – very painful: 1 handful of leaves with squeezed coconut juice – coconut water – from green coconut. Mix the leaves and water and then make a cut in the wound to enlarge it and pour this juice into the wound. In 5-10 minutes the pain will stop, use 1x, very powerful. 3.If a person such as a mother touches the stonefish while preparing it for food, then does not wash hands, can infect a child – and the child will get sores. Take a small branch and boil it in the water and wash the baby with it to make pain go away. 4. Stonefish is a greatly appreciated food that must be prepared carefully by holding the fish by the mouth and not touching the body. Boil the fish to inactivate the poison and then prepare it as a normal fish for cooking. Poison is found in top spine of fish.


1. When the stems of this plant are older, and it is a vine, is used to tie thatch on roof rafters as it bends well. 2. Burned leaves and rubbed on fishing line and spear to increase catch – used with other unspecified leaves, that are forageable. When you are fishing and if you set a basket or mat it means danger and you have to return to shore – the spirit is telling you that it is enough fishing.

n. liana, growing at edge of forest. Fruit. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3475)

Example: 1. When the stems of this plant are older, and it is a vine, is used to tie thatch on roof rafters as it bends well. 2. Burned leaves and rubbed on fishing line and spear to increase catch – used with other unspecified leaves, that are forageable. When you are fishing and if you set a basket or mat it means danger and you have to return to shore – the spirit is telling you that it is enough fishing.


1. When the stems of this plant are older, and it is a vine, is used to tie thatch on roof rafters as it bends well. 2. Burned leaves and rubbed on fishing line and spear to increase catch – used with other unspecified leaves, that are forageable. When you are fishing and if you set a basket or mat it means danger and you have to return to shore – the spirit is telling you that it is enough fishing.

n. liana, climbing on fallen tree (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3500)

Example: 1. When the stems of this plant are older, and it is a vine, is used to tie thatch on roof rafters as it bends well. 2. Burned leaves and rubbed on fishing line and spear to increase catch – used with other unspecified leaves, that are forageable. When you are fishing and if you set a basket or mat it means danger and you have to return to shore – the spirit is telling you that it is enough fishing.


1. When the stems of this plant are older, and it is a vine, is used to tie thatch on roof rafters as it bends well. 2. Burned leaves and rubbed on fishing line and spear to increase catch – used with other unspecified leaves, that are forageable. When you are fishing and if you set a basket or mat it means danger and you have to return to shore – the spirit is telling you that it is enough fishing.

n. liana, climbing on Garcinia tree (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3585)

Example: 1. When the stems of this plant are older, and it is a vine, is used to tie thatch on roof rafters as it bends well. 2. Burned leaves and rubbed on fishing line and spear to increase catch – used with other unspecified leaves, that are forageable. When you are fishing and if you set a basket or mat it means danger and you have to return to shore – the spirit is telling you that it is enough fishing.


In the old days, the hooks of this plant were used as a kind of small fishing hook. Heat the hook over a fire to make it strong, tie a rope to it and use it to catch fish. Take inner bark--1 handful and boil in a full pot of water and wash the body 1x daily to treat scabies. Can work in as soon as 2 days. It cures the sores very fast.

n. vine to 5 m, flower yellow (collection: Michael J. Balick #4937)

Example: In the old days, the hooks of this plant were used as a kind of small fishing hook. Heat the hook over a fire to make it strong, tie a rope to it and use it to catch fish. Take inner bark--1 handful and boil in a full pot of water and wash the body 1x daily to treat scabies. Can work in as soon as 2 days. It cures the sores very fast.