tree, 3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4070)
Example: 1. Branches of this plant are used to insulate and cover earth ovens.
Scientific name: Codiaeum variegatum, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
inlopot jap
shrub to 1 m, flower white (collection: Michael J. Balick #4866)
Example: When making a taro patch, and removing soil, add the leaves of this plant to the soil to fertilize the taro, and prevent the bottom part of the taro from rotting. Put a layer of leaves on the bottom of the patch before planting taro and covering with soil.
Scientific name: Codiaeum variegatum, Speaker: Natu Kenneth
shrub to 2 m in height, flowers white. In agricultural field. (collection: Michael J. Balick #4951)
Example: The young leaves are used to protect food as it is being cooked on an earth oven. To prepare the oven, pile hot stones, then put a layer of leaves on the stones, and then place hot stones on top of the leaves. To make a hot oven, the stones are lined in a pit, a fire lit, more stones placed on firewood and the top layer of stones gets very hot. Then, remove the stones from the top of the wood, and cook food o the bottom layer of stones, add a layer of leaves, place the food on top of this, then cover with a layer of leaves and then pile the rest of the hot stones on top of the leaves.
Scientific name: Codiaeum variegatum, Speaker: Tony Keith
shrub to 1 m, fruits green. Secondary forest. (collection: Michael J. Balick #4897)
Example: The leaves are used for compost in the taro patch. Dig a hole, line it with the leaves of this species, cove with earth and plant taro. The leaves of this species are used to cover earth ovens.
Scientific name: Codiaeum variegatum, Speaker: Natu Kenneth
tree, 3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3621)
Example: Good for covering laplap or stone oven. Remove hot stones, put leaves down, then food, then hot stones, then put the leaves down again to cover everything.
Scientific name: Codiaeum variegatum, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
shrub. Found in the village Unames. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #32)
Example: 1. To cure when the anus falls out - Pound together 1 braches worth of inpalcapnesgin leaves and of both inloptiri (2-4 leaves, any age), also take the inner bark of nekeaitimi and nakhe. Put this into your hand, or another leaf and give it to the person to use it. This should be applied to the anus whenever the anus comes out. USed to use a clam shell to extract the bark but not anymore.
Scientific name: Codiaeum variegatum, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
tree to 10 m, dbh 1 m (collection: Michael J. Balick #4991)
Example: The young trees are a good source of lumber as they are straight and can be used as poles or sawn timber. This tree is also a source of firewood and is known to be easy to light and burns well. The fruits are a source of oil. Collect the ripe fruits, remove the seeds from the shell, macerate the seeds to release the white endosperm inside, place this in a pot without water and heat it. The brown-yellow oil will come out from the crushed fruits. It is good for using on the body but not edible. It is a good massage oil, or to lubricate the skin or to heal small wounds. For the latter, drop some oil on the wound once daily until the wound heals.
Scientific name: Aleurites moluccanus, Speaker: Natu Kenneth
inpa u natmas
tree. Growing near village. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #13)
Example: 1. To cure toothache when pregnant - Take the inner bark from Intejed and boil it in a pot of seawater (about 1 liter) along with 2 leaves from each of inpoutnatmas, narayag, nahayag, and nelmaha. Boil until juice is visibly leaving the plants. Put this water into your mouth and hold it there for 2-3 minutes. Do this this with one cup in the morning, 1 cup in the afternoon, and 1 cup in the evening. 2. This plant is special and people grew it – use it after burial of a chief – wash hands with these leaves and water to cleanse the people who buried the chief. 3. Name means belongs to the spirit
Scientific name: Codiaeum variegatum, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
shrub. Found in the village Unames. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #33)
Example: name = "stonefish ears" 1. To treat rashes - boil 4 leaves in water ad wait until it cools. Wash in this once a day until rash goes away. 2. Stonefish sting – very painful: 1 handful of leaves with squeezed coconut juice – coconut water – from green coconut. Mix the leaves and water and then make a cut in the wound to enlarge it and pour this juice into the wound. In 5-10 minutes the pain will stop, use 1x, very powerful. 3.If a person such as a mother touches the stonefish while preparing it for food, then does not wash hands, can infect a child – and the child will get sores. Take a small branch and boil it in the water and wash the baby with it to make pain go away. 4. Stonefish is a greatly appreciated food that must be prepared carefully by holding the fish by the mouth and not touching the body. Boil the fish to inactivate the poison and then prepare it as a normal fish for cooking. Poison is found in top spine of fish.
Scientific name: Acalypha caturus, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
kidie ~ kithi
shrub, 1. 5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3205)
Example: 1. Plant this tree at each of the four corners of a fence to keep your pigs in and protect against a type of bad luck. If a man sleeps with his wife who is having her period, and then the man goes to see the pig, the pig will suffer and not grow strong and not have many piglets. So the presence of this plant controls against bad luck that others can bring to your pig farm. 2. This is an ornamental plant grown around the home. Sticks of this plant are planted around the outside of the garden and grow to create a fence, to protect the crops and keep them healthy, as well as protect the crops from people that are not cleansed in the ritual way. 3. This species is also planted around the house to add color and is very decorative in general. 4. For fertilizer in taro holes for water taro. For baly(?) taro and water taro, lay these flat on the surface of the charcoal, then lay the food – taro, cassava – on this and cover with another layer, add hot stones and cook. 4. Pig food, goat food.
Scientific name: Codiaeum variegatum, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
shrub to 3 m, dbh 3 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4876)
Example: When a person is walking a long way, put pieces of the branches in your basket to make the journey shorter (easier). Leaves used for unspecified traditional medicine.
Scientific name: Croton insularis, Speaker: Natu Kenneth
kind of flowering plant (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4752)
Scientific name: Croton insularis, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
narasinipjin necsei nupu afrika
shrub to 3 m tall, dbh 4 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4995)
Example: The flowers are cut and used in the house and the plant is grown as an ornamental around the house.
Scientific name: Euphorbia pulcherrima, Speaker: Tony Keith
shrub to 2 m, dbh 3 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4862)
Example: The common name of this plant refers to the footprint of a chicken. Mix the dried leaves of this plant with pieces of coconut and feed to chickens. They are said to really like it. Plant the shrub near the place that chickens are kept. This feed will make the chickens produce more eggs and also increase the number of healthy chickens.
Scientific name: Acalypha, Speaker: Natu Kenneth
shrub, 1 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3512)
Example: This plant is used as fertilzer to place on bottom of the taro patch in the same way as GMP #3456 to help "feed the ground" for next year. The leaves are used to wrap food. When a person is chewing kava, pile the chewed kava roots on the young leaves of this species. Also, an unspecified medicinal use.
Scientific name: Acalypha grandis, Speaker: Titiya Lalep
shrub, 1. 5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4145)
Scientific name: Acalypha repanda, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
shrub, somewhat scandent (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3443)
Scientific name: Acalypha grandis, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
kind of flowering plant (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4783)
Scientific name: Acalypha grandis, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
necñopod apeñ
kind of flowering plant (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4791)
Scientific name: Acalypha wilkesiana, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
necñopod cap
shrub to 2. 5 m tall, 1 cm dbh (collection: Michael J. Balick #4856)
Example: When a person gets burned by a fire, take the leaves, squeeze sap on the burn, and then rub a handful of leaves on the burn; use a larger amount of leaves if the person has a larger burn. Apply it directly after the person is burned. This treatment will stop the burn from blistering. Use once. When a 1 month to 2 year old baby has redness or sores on their tongue and cannot eat properly, and saliva is coming out from their mouth, take the sap of the crushed leaves in a spoon and give it to the baby. Take one teaspoon for a 1-5 month old child and a tablespoon for a 6-24 month old. Give the baby once a day for 2 days. This treatment cleanses out the reddish sores. If a person has a sore that is persistent and stays red and sore for a week or more, take 4 apices of this plant, chew and spit on the sore to help it heal. Use 1x in the morning, and next day in the afternoon. Use 2x only. If a person is walking in the bush and concerned about evil spirits, put a small branch behind the ear to be safe. To treat hot chest pain, dizziness, shortage of breath, and if a person has a hot pain that does not go away after taking panadol (aspirin), take 8 leaves and squeeze into a glass of water until it turns reddish, drink 1x a day for 3 days; this is said to make the pain go away.
Scientific name: Acalypha grandis, Speaker: Natu Kenneth
shrub to 4 m, fruits green (collection: Michael J. Balick #4987)
Example: This leaf is used as the upper layer of leaves on the earth oven. If the leaves of #4986 are in short supply, people cover the first layer of stones in the earth oven with these. The stems of this plant are used as tinder to light fires. The seeds are poisonous.
Scientific name: Ricinus communis, Speaker: Tony Keith
kind of flowering plant (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4792)
Scientific name: Excoecaria agallocha, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
tree to 4 m, dbh 10 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4936)
Example: The leaves are used to cover earth ovens when cooking big fish or taro.
Scientific name: Cleidion neoebudicum, Speaker: Natu Kenneth
tree, 4 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3623)
Example: People use the leaf of this plant to layer on the bottom of the earth oven, and then pile food such as manioc or taro on it, then pile leaves of this species on top of that. This will help insulate the food from the high heat of the earth oven and allow it to cook better. Used especailly in feasts like weddings. Women usually collect this leaf and is used to cover very large earth ovens.
Scientific name: Cleidion javanicum, Speaker: Titiya Lalep
tree, 2 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3479)
Example: The leaves of this plant are used in cooking, particuarly with the earth oven. Use a fire to heat stones, then when the fire burns down and the stones are hot, pile these leaves on top of the hot stones and then place the food being cooked--taro, fish, pig, cassava, banana or other foods--on top of the leaves. Then pile more of these leaves on top of the food and then place additional hot stones on top of that pile of leaves. While the food is cooking--each type of food takes a different amount of time--the leaves give off a very nice smell and help flavor the food. The young stems of this plant are used in home construction but as they are small and thin, they are not used for posts.
Scientific name: Cleidion javanicum, Speaker: Titiya Lalep
tree, 4 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3503)
Example: The leaves of this plant are used in cooking, particuarly with the earth oven. Use a fire to heat stones, then when the fire burns down and the stones are hot, pile these leaves on top of the hot stones and then place the food being cooked--taro, fish, pig, cassava, banana or other foods--on top of the leaves. Then pile more of these leaves on top of the food and then place additional hot stones on top of that pile of leaves. While the food is cooking--each type of food takes a different amount of time--the leaves give off a very nice smell and help flavor the food.
Scientific name: Cleidion javanicum, Speaker: Titiya Lalep
nihivaeñ aeyec
tree, 3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3213)
Example: 1. When a person has a headache from being out in the sun too long, scrape the outer bark off of the stem of this tree, take scrapings of the inner bark, wrap with a leaf of breadfruit and put in a fire for 15-20 minutes. Not a hot fire, but only in the flame. Squeeze the water out of the bark when it is warm and rub all over the forehead and face to help the headache go away. 2. Use the stems of this tree as a stick to carry taro from the field, as the stick is strong but not too heavy. The taro is tied to each end to balance on a person’s shoulders. 3. Leaf used for wrapping local medicines. This is the best leaf and put it on the charcoal to heat it. 4. Good firewood.
Scientific name: Macaranga dioica, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
nihivaeñ aeyhec
tree, 3-4 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3510)
Example: The leaves of the young plant are used to wrap food for cooking on a fire. The wood is used for temporary houses, for making rafters that are said to last a long time.
Scientific name: Macaranga dioica, Speaker: Titiya Lalep
nihivaeñ p̃ap̃
tree, 4 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3517)
Example: 1. The leaves of the young plant are used to wrap food for cooking on a fire. 2. The wood is used for temporary houses, for making rafters that are said to last a long time. 3. The wood is strong and used to carve paddles for the canoe. 4. It is also grown and used for firewood. 5. Firewood, (6) use as local plate. 7. On west side of island, take old coconut, fill with water, put lead into hole on end, take out and give to baby to drink and it will help the baby talk.
Scientific name: Macaranga tanarius, Speaker: Titiya Lalep
kind of flowering plant (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4779)
Scientific name: Macaranga tanarius, Speaker: Wina Nasauman
shrub to 2 m tall, flowers pink (collection: Michael J. Balick #4955)
Example: The tubers of this variety are sweet, not bitter and are eaten after cooking. The young leaves are eaten after boiling in water until they are soft, either plain or cooked in soup. It is important to only harvest and prepare the young leaves in this way, as the older leaves will not get soft even after cooking. The young leaves are used to cover the top layer of the earth oven, on top of the stones that comprise the upper layer of the earth oven.
Scientific name: Manihot esculenta, Speaker: Tony Keith