Search: entire dictionary San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec headwords English headwords San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec pronunciation guide
Semantic domain: [all] agriculture animal bird body part clothing food greeting health insect kinship location name night sky number person plants religion spider time weather or Cali Chiu chapter: [all] CC BXTP-1 CC BXTP-2 CC BXTP-3 CC BXTP-4 CC BXTP-5 CC BXTP-6 CC BXTP-7 CC BXTP-8 CC BXTP-9 CC L01 CC L02 CC L03 CC L04 CC L05 CC L06 CC L07 CC L08 CC L09 CC L10 CC L11 CC L12 CC L13 CC L14 CC L15 CC L16 CC L17 CC L18 CC L19 CC L20 CC L21 CC L22 CC L23 CC L24 CC S-01 CC S-02 CC S-03 CC S-04 CC S-05 CC S-06 CC S-07 CC S-08 CC S-09 CC S-10 CC S-11 CC S-12 CC S-13 CC S-14 CC S-15 CC S-16 CC S-17 CC S-18 CC S-19 CC S-20 CC S-22 CC S-23 CC S-24 CC S-25 CC S-26 CC S-27 CC S-28 CC S-29
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Speaker: Gerardo López
type of acahual
(Spanish) tipo de acahual
corn, field of corn
(Spanish) milpa
Speaker: Felipe H. Lopez
a type of tree
(Spanish) un tipo de árbol
(Spanish) calabaza
type of plant (used for fuel for making bricks)
(Spanish) una clase de planta (se usa para combustibles para hacer ladrillos)
prickly pear cactus
(Spanish) nopal