Your search for the adverb t’áá ’íiyisíí really, very
has returned 4 entries

t’áá ’íiyisíí

Shicheii t’áá ’íiyisíí hastihgo biniinaa kónááhoot’éhí doo na’ádódlíi da.

1-grandfather very 3-old.N-GO because next.year NEG NEG 

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Bernadine M. CodylistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Bernadine M. Cody

Since my grandfather is very old he doesn’t expect to be alive next year at this time.

’Azhą́ deesk’aaz ndi t’áá ’ákwíí jį́ na’nishkaad.

even. though 3-cold.SPN but just every day 1-herd CI