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Semantic domain: [all] animals bird body botany colors constructs kinship nature numbers phrases timekeeping verbs
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n phrase your (2) necks
Speaker: Makani Denam, Avunam Kolav
n phrase your (2) legs
n phrase your (2) bellies
n eye
n phrase two eyes
n mother
n mother’s mother
n woman
two; 2
don’t tell me
I’m not sitting
I have two pigs
n arrow
n bird
v come here
n phrase my teeth
n hand
n phrase my finger
n phrase your hand
n phrase your finger
n betel nut
n phrase my neck
n phrase their necks
n phrase your neck
n leg (including foot)
n toe
n phrase our legs
n pig
n phrase my black pig
n phrase my two black pigs
n phrase this pig
yes, a pig
n knee
n phrase your knee
adj black
n mosquito
we see them
n door
n sea
n bone
n fish
n moon
I don’t see you
adj red
n blood
n phrase your blood
n phrase our blood
n phrase your (2) blood
n sun
n phrase your (2) bones
tomorrow I will see you
tomorrow you will see me
thank you very much
n wood
three; 3
n coconut tree
n roof
n canoe
n stairs
adj yellow
n river
n phrase your tongue
n house
n snake
n flying fox
n mother’s father
n man
you see me
n bow
n sister
n his nose
n phrase your nose
n phrase my nose
n phrase their bellies
n phrase our bellies
n phrase your belly
I will see you
n phrase your elbow
I don’t have two pigs
nine; 9
thank you
ten; 10
six; 6
eight; 8
you didn’t see me
you don’t see me
adv yesterday
yesterday I saw you
adv afternoon
n rain
n feather
n leaf
n ash
n crocodile; pukpuk
n mat
n spear
n wallaby