bond ɖeɖem=laj tuboʔ laj=oʔ=nen=ni
joŋkuj aʔpoʈek ar=pela=nen
joŋkuj gibig-laj butoŋ=gu ɖu=gu
joŋkuj sosom-laj aʔpoʈek gibig-laj sosom-laj ar=beɽ=oʔ ɖuka
[woman rdpl~eat=obj yet pig=obj rdpl~eat=obj neg=give=pst.ii aux]
‘the woman won’t have given food to the pig yet’
Speaker: Tonkodhar Sisa
maj aʔpoʈek gibig=nen=laj ʤuʤu ar=ɖu=gu
maj mioʔ niŋ boroʔ=gu=nej=ni
maj=nen aʔ= ɖiʔke maʈual ɖeɖem=nen uraʔ
maj=nen duilok logloʔ=nen uraʔ
niŋ o-maiʔ ʤu-oʔ maiʔ o-niŋ ʤu-oʔ
niŋ o-majʔ kaʈani sun=oʔ=niŋ o-majʔ nom ʤuʤu=nom uraʔ
[I obj-3pron story tell=pst.ii=1 obj-3pron you rdpl~see=2 neg.cop]
‘You did not see the man who I told the story to’
Speaker: Tonkodhar Sisa
nom eno(ʔ) maŋɖem ɖu=tu=nom
o-nom mioʔ o-niŋ loroʔ ar=ɖeŋ=gu
pen duilok aʔpoʈek boroʔ=pen uraʔ
pen duilok loʔleʔ=pen uraʔ
pen mioʔ niŋ boroʔ=gu=nej=ni
pen=nu=ɖiʔke nej duilok ar-rĩ-a=nej
sisaŋerer=nu mukla, sisaŋ sulob